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Baby Eczema Symptoms

Eczema in babies is a common disease in fall and winter when the seasons’ exchange. This is the most typical skin disease with specific symptoms such as rash, blisters, and itching.
Eczema in babies is a baby dermatitis disease which is impacted by the changes in terms of geography, race. In the tropics, subtropics with high humidity, such as in Vietnam with high morbidity rate than other regions, this disease accounts for 25% of skin diseases. 
I. Baby eczema causes
The baby  eczema causes are quite various and complex, mainly due to three main reasons:
Due to the baby's body   
This disease is very atavistic: the family history of patients who are suffering from eczema, the risk for babies involving in it is higher.
Because of the disorder of the body work: the body's organs are disordered such as dysfunction of excretion, nervous, digestive, endocrine body changes are also the cause of eczema, which is very common.
Babies suffering from a number of diseases: asthma, sinusitis, hepatitis, colitis, kidney diseases, ear infections, ... also are easy to catch this disease.
Because of allergens
Due to occupational exposure to disease-causing chemicals such as cement, dye, rubber materials, paint, oil, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, ...
Because of exposure to daily things which contain allergen content: clothing, blankets, shoes, scarf, ink from newspapers, face creams, shaving cream, ...
Eating strange foods, inappropriate atopic: sea fish (especially tuna), squid, Python, shrimp, crab, ... also are baby eczema causes.
Due to a weak body  resistance, the daily unbalanced diet
Your limited health and resistance cause disease easily and quickly spread across the board surface of the skin.
Diet imbalance, vitamin deficiency, eating more high protein foods such as shrimp, crab, beef, chicken, duck, turtle, eat spicy taking ....are very serious baby eczema causes.

II. Symptoms
Baby dermatitis symptoms are basically blisters on the skin surface. Blisters usually concentrate into Indian-based chum called erythema. The disease progressed in five main stages as following:

   - Stage 1: 
                   + Redness stage
                   + Start by itching and appearing red film
                   + On the skin surface, particles can appear whitish, then form blisters.

   - Stage 2: 
                    + Stage of blisters
                    + The rash appears early on the skin, sometimes spreads to normal skin, small size, sometimes they combine to form large blisters.
                    + Very shallow small blisters contain fluid, arranged in scattered arrays, dense. There may be several waves of blisters emerge in many different stages.

   - Stage 3: 
                     + Watery stage
                     + Water acne may rupture due to scratching because the patients itch or rupturing natural stamping;
                     + This stage has many skid marks which are vulnerable to multiple infections.

   - Stage 4: 
                   + All smooth skin
                   + After a while, the discharge reduces, when runny yellow, serum deposited on the surface of the skin as thick scaly details. Then dry and scaly and leaving a smooth thin skin.
                    + This stage is quite fast in 1-3 days.

   - Stage 5: 
                    + Skin desquamation stage
                    + Thin skin has recreated  itself  then crack, desquamate into thick plaque or debris such as bran;
                    + Skin thickens and hyperpigmentation because of eczema.

In addition to the above-mentioned external manifestations, itching is a symptom of the underlying disease, pruritus appeared right from the early days of redness skin of the end phase. Because itching should make patients very uncomfortable and itchy as scratching will increase, as itching results in scratching up the disease as more difficult to treat multiple infections and prone to lesions forming on the skin to heal. Moreover, patients with watery stage and the smooth skin formation stage, your body changes in temperature, which is very uncomfortable.

Above are the causes, symptoms of eczema in babies that you need to master in order to quickly identify the disease in order to find appropriate treatments. Avoiding the disease agent causing any infections which generate unhealed injuries on the skin.
Baby Eczema Symptoms

Baby Eczema Symptoms

How to recognize symptoms of eczema on your babies? Be careful when have any symptoms


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