These are the illustrations to tell a story. A story about what happened when a virus started to spread across the globe. It had reached almost each and every corner of the world contaminating everything.
It started consuming the humans by spreading into their blood streams.
And it started to convert them in beasts and demons. Their brains shrunk and had no sense of good and bad. They were just hungry.
Not just humans but the virus also started affecting other life forms on the surface of the earth. Thus destroying everything.
Some had foreseen this would happen. They knew this while they were creating this deadly virus. But they had no idea till what extent it would affect the earth.
Some rich filthy rats knew about this and had taken precautions already. Soon they started working on an idea. An idea to fight against this virus and stop the plague.
So they developed and used the anti virus for the sake of destroying the virus and saving what was left of the earth.
But the antivirus had a reverse effect on the virus and there was a huge explosion killing and destroying everything on planet earth.
But after few years of explosion a new life form started to grow on the surface of the earth. A new life with some unique and complex system. It was the time when life on earth was reborn.


Storytelling illustrations made using pen on paper.
