Savannah Nettesheim's profile

How To Pack a Suit Case


Getting to the final piece you see here took a lot of time and innovative thinking. Originally I had been working on my project much like my classmates How-To Posters, in an organized visual list. After realizing how complicated this made my poster look and feel, I decided I needed to simplify my plan. I switched to using the "blown out" method instead of a list. Below you'll be able to see my beginning ideas of how I thought this project should work, which I later changed.

To ge the images of clothing, suitcases, etc I photographed pictures of my own items and then drew over the photographs in Illustrator. In order to figure out the process of folding the clothes and the steps required, I photographed each step that I took while folding. This allowed me to see what steps were absolutely necessary to include and which ones I could simplify.

Another requirement for this project was that we create a digital interactive version of our project. You can view and interact with my digital version by using this link: 
How To Pack a Suit Case

How To Pack a Suit Case

This project was an assignment for my information design class. We were instructed to create a poster showing how to do something. We were not al Read More
