- Project made in 2017
Veg-se is an app to help vegetarians and vegans have a healthy diet. It was my final project of my university years and joins everything I believe in: user experience and the importance of keeping a healthy diet as a vegetarian.

It was a long project with lots of user centered research. I did face to face interviews with vegetarians, vegans and a nutritionist. A web survey about vegetarian and vegan's diet and the importance of eating all the nutrients to not have any consequences in your health when becoming vegan or vegetarian.

Afterwards I made personas, that exemplified the users needs.   

It was also made a journey map. And from these documents functions and content was decided, so that everything could be tested in a card sorting.

These are images from the card sorting

Hand drawings of the wireframe
First screens made for the app.

The Last part is finalize the graphic design and main interactions. I already started that process and hope to continue it. Next is a small video showing a little bit how the appearance and some interactions of  the app, that have been made, are gonna be.
WIP. Veg-se

WIP. Veg-se
