Lee Kimball's profile

Dreamworks - Shrek Forever After

When Dreamworks decided to bring the Shrek chronicle to an end, they wanted to pull out all the stops for the final film. 

 We were tasked with coming up with a way to introduce Rumpelstiltskin, a new character in the Shrek saga. Although most are familiar with the fairytale character, we wanted to give him a bit of a facelift. And if Rumpelstiltskin were alive today, there?s no doubt he would be a shady salesman, a conman of dream-making. With that concept, we created his online enterprise, complete with a website to peddle all his dubious deals (rumpeldeals.com), a Facebook page, Twitter feed, and voicemail. (try it! 877-99-AWESOME.)
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Dreamworks - Shrek Forever After

Dreamworks - Shrek Forever After

Integrated advertising campaign for Dreamworks' Shrek Forever After movie.
