Nathan Beery's profileEric Lindholm's profile

Beery Family Crest

This is a family crest I designed in my Graphic Design class. I was inspired by other family crests that I saw on our team's page, especially one by my good friend Michael Manganiello. His crest is below.
On my Crest, I chose to use things that all represented my family. I chose the Pokeball in the center, because we all enjoyed playing Pokemon Go, and he main series games. I chose the AZ flag on the left because my mom, sister and I are from Arizona, but I chose the sunflower because it is representative of Kansas, where my dad's side of the family is from. I chose the music notes because my whole family likes to sing, play instruments, and use other musical talents. I chose the cactus in the desert because it is representative of Arizona, where we live currently. I chose the color blue for the background because it is a nice and calming color, that we all enjoy. I chose the font for our name because it is playful and stylish, which I is how I would describe us as well. 
Beery Family Crest

Beery Family Crest


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