Metanoia is a brand I created focusing on helping people with mental illnesses’ in day-to-day life. As someone who suffers with mental illness, I realised that there’s a lot of companies and charities that offer a lot of advice and guidance however they don’t sell products that can help too - sometimes words aren't enough. I wanted to change that.

The branding
Worry Box

The ‘Worry Box’ is a product to help you cope with and process your worries easier. The idea is that you write down each worry you have and place it in the worry box as a way of ‘removing’ your worries. Then, at a later date or when the box is full, you can remove the worries to re-read them and evaluate if the worry actually happened and if it was really something to worry about in the first place.

Self-Care Sticks

The ‘Self-care Sticks’ are a product to help with self-care and decision making. People with mental health issues often have trouble with self-care, even small activities such as showering or eating properly. So pulling out a stick with an activity on will be a way of prompting self-care and taking away the decision aspect of it.

Breathing Book

The ‘Breathing Book’ is a product that focuses on helping in times of panic, when deep breathing exercises would be necessary. A portabale, continuous book that allows the user to carry out some deep breathing and calm down from the situation whether they’re stressed, upset or having a panic attack.



Metanoia is a brand I created focusing on helping people with mental illnesses’ in day-to-day life. As someone who suffers with mental illness, I Read More
