Rachelle Holloway's profile

Floating Moon Cut Paper

Floating Moon Cut Paper Project. 
Floating Moon is a character from my webcomic, A Little Dragon Trouble.
Basic X-Acto knife, swivel knife by Exel, scissors, cutting mat, bone folder, masking tape, PH Neutral PVA, Canson Mi-Teintes Paper, Holbein Acryla Gouache, metal ruler with cork back, a light pad, mechanical pencil, eraser stick, a small art board, hot glue gun, Aleene's clear gel tacky glue, and extra fine glitter.
Started cutting out and painting some of the pieces with gouache. Sometimes I can't find the right color paper, so gouache is the perfect paint to make what ever color paper you need.
I had to do a few test runs with the hair and the dress before starting the project. I used basic printing paper as practice.
Most of the pieces have been painted and pasted together.
This was the fun part. Adding glitter! I used Aleene's Clear Gel Tacky Glue. This gave the dress a glossy look to it.
Adding some final details. I used a thin paint brush to wrap the strips of paper to make it curly. Nothing fancy.
A bone folder was used to help create those cool curvy mountain folds. A hot glue gun was used to stick the 3D(ish) hair together.
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Floating Moon Cut Paper

Floating Moon Cut Paper

A cut paper illustration.
