
Industrial Design
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Flipp has two sides, one for volume and one for songs & playlists. Rotating the volume side adjusts the volume. Rotating the control side let’s you flip through your songs. If you press and rotate at the same time you get to flip through your playlists. Clicking on flipp is always play/pause no matter what side you are on.
need some music to start the day? 
Skip your phone for this one, just press flipp and start the music. No need to even open your eyes! And we know that you don’t want to listen to Saturdays late night party music on a Sunday morning so we made sure that you can switch between playlists on your Flipp as well.
with flipp, there's more time for cake​​​​​​​
The Flipp remote lasts for two years with no need for recharging. This is thanks to the hub. So thanks to the hub, you don’t need yet another tangled charger in your home.
We could also have decided to connect Flipp with WiFi. But this requires power, a lot of power. A portable WiFi remote like this would only last for days before needing to recharge. 
A last option we didn’t choose for Flipp was to let it connect to your phone. We just don’t like the idea of loosing control of the music as soon as the phone is out of reach. Not very nice!
So when you boil it down, yes a hub is still not the sexiest product on the planet but the Flipp hub is really the reason for Flipp being so simple and easy to use.
multiple speakers and remotes
More than one speaker? No problem, you can use multiple remotes and assign them to groups or specific speakers. No need to get multiple hubs. 
design process
We have gone through tons of prototypes to get to where we are today. Below is a snippet of our process that has led us to this Kickstarter campaign.
Support flipp on Kickstarter.

Project Made For


Flipp is a social, direct and simple remote control for your wireless music. Flipp works with Sonos and Spotify Connect.
