Construction of trees and terrain.
Film still from "Peppermint Sticks" by Maureen Monaghan
Environment: Maureen Monaghan 
House: Michelle Ionescu
Room construction in stages. 
Film still from "Peppermint Sticks" by Maureen Monaghan
Props, pictures, and frames: Michelle Ionescu, Rochelle Dymapilis, Nora Graven, Collin Wheeler 
Room construction part two. Pictures and frames: Michelle Ionescu, Rochelle Dimapilis, Nora Graven. 
Closet construction and light test. 
Film still from "Peppermint Sticks" by Maureen Monaghan 
Props: Michelle Ionescu, Rochelle Dimapilis, Nora graven, Collin Wheeler.
Film still from "Peppermint Sticks" by Maureen Monaghan
Broom, pictures and frames: Michelle Ionescu, Rochelle Dimapilis, Nora Graven. 