"The Big Lebowski" movie real time and fan posters 
Working on the movie poster design my main aim was to make it visually interesting and relevant to a young audience. In my opinion, a poster is a visual communication with a large group of viewers, you only have a few seconds to grab their attention as people wander past your poster.
For both posters, I have decided to use one main image, as I have been researching into existing posters from different years this is a common feature which in my opinion works very well in attracting the audience. This one image is creating a general idea of what the movie is about. That's why one of the main key stages was research to find the right image for the poster and then progress to other stages like sketching ideas and working on concepts before making the decision on the final pieces. This project showed me how important it is to spend time and do proper research and to understand the public you are appealing to.

DUDE Poster design

DUDE Poster design
