Luis Caballero Diaz's profile

Robot Autonomous Movement

This project creates a robot to experiment with autonomous movement application. 

In the current functional prototype, an specific autonomous movement application is implemented, in which the robot reaches the position introduced by the user in a control interface using the most optimum way. During the movement, the mobile device is able to stop when there is an obstacle in the way, and in case of persisting for a considerable time, the mobile device must reach the destination by means of a new way. Moreover, it must also respond properly to external events which involve a temporal stop. 
​​​​​​​To perform this project has been necessary to use different kinds of communication such as CAN bus, RS485 protocol or wireless communication (radio frequency and infrared) as well as developing the needed hardware (position sensor, mobile device, PCBs...) and software (code for microcontrollers, definition of the control algorithms...). 

In the following, several videos are shown in order to check the correct operation.

1. The position sensor has been developed with a textile sensor which is able to determine the global position of the mobile device on the circuit. Next video shows how the control software can detect the mobile device and display the position using a little red circle.
2. Moreover, it is possible to calibrate the position sensor modifying the threshold of each pixel using the control software such as next video shows. The threshold is changed and the software controls stops detecting the robot, and when the threshold is again to the default value, the robot is again detected.
3. On the other hand, the mobile device is able to measure the natural light using a LDR and in case of detecting a poor lighting, the mobile device turns on an internal light by means of an analog control. Next video shows how the internal blue light in the mobile device turns on/off depending on the natural light.
4. Next video shows the normal operation of the system. User introduces a position in the control software and the mobile device goes towards that position. Important information such as the global position, route, obstacles, external events, intersections... is continuously displayed in the software control. In addition, when the mobile device detects an intersection, it stops and turns on a yellow LED until the intersection is overcome.
5. The robot must be able to stop if it detects any obstacle or external events. Note that the concept of external events is quite similar to a traffic light. Next video shows the capability of the robot to detect obstacles and external events and inform the control software about it. The external events are generated in the PCB near from the laptop and turn on a red/green LED depending on the emitted message.
6. Next video shows the proper operation of the external events detection. The mobile device stops when it detects the external event related to the red LED and continues the route when the external event related to the green LED is detected.
7. Next video shows the proper operation of the obstacles detection. The mobile device stops when it detects an obstacle and continues the route when the obstacle disappears.
8. However, if the obstacle persists for more than ten seconds, the mobile devices try to reach the destination by means of a newroute. Next video shows the detection of a permanent obstacle and so the mobile device recalculates the new route.
9. Finally, the mobile device is able to detect if it is no possible to reach the destination because of a great quantity of permanent obstacles in the circuit. In this case, the mobile device stops and resets the detected permanent obstacles for the new movement such as next video shows.
I appreciate your attention and I hope you find this work interesting.

Luis Caballero
Robot Autonomous Movement

Robot Autonomous Movement

This project is based on the introduction and development of a modular platform to experiment with autonomous movement applications.


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