Joshua James's profile

The Set Up - Editing, Directing, Writing

The Set Up - Short Film
I am fasciated with the idea that with beautiful close ups and a medley of incredible cuts, a sometimes mundane task can be conveyed as exciting or even thrilling. Inspired by the close ups of Edgar Wright and Damien Chazelle, I have created this miniature short film named 'The Set Up'.

The short takes viewers through the process of setting up a drum kit. Using effective close ups and camera movements, I wanted to draw attention to the more intricate parts of the kit and convey the process as an enjoyable, fun experience.

Thankfully my part of the world was experiencing an abnormal string of sunny days at the time, so shooting ran smoothly. I am extremely proud of the result. I feel that I convey the desired pace, with the climax feeling like that the set up was climbing too.

Although there are a small handful of visible mistakes and shots that I could have captured better, I feel that the final result is of a high standard - especially considering that it was a spontaneous shoot compared to the planned and penned Last Minute In Joshland.

All footage was captured on an iPhone 5s and edited on a MacBook Pro, using Final Cut Pro.
The Set Up - Editing, Directing, Writing

The Set Up - Editing, Directing, Writing

A short video about setting up a drum kit.
