Aaron Harris's profile

Instructional videos/animations

Instructional Videos
These videos were created for instructional purposes for use within online training courses.  All created using Adobe After Effects for animation and rendering, and Logic Pro X for voice overs.  Background music sourced from various places. 
Tidy Desk and Clear Screen Policy - informative ending video which covered the contents of the instructional course users had just completed.  Video was also available for download to users.  
Time Management - created as an informative, fun, alternative to a 20 minute online training course which users may not have had time to complete.  
Excel VBA - an introductory video to an Excel VBA instructional course available through my Moodle portfolio.  Created to explain what VBA is, how it works, and what its capabilities are without overwhelming users who are completely new to VBA
Landscape - preloader for an online training course.  The video was created to give the course time to run Javascript code in the background to gather information on the user before the course loaded.  
Instructional videos/animations

Instructional videos/animations
