For this project, I selected three stories from Ovid's "Metamorphoses": Adonis in 'Myrrha', Echo in 'Narcissus and Echo', and 'The Heliades'. Taking photos, printing them on fabric and embroidering on them, I illustrated a scene from each story. I got my inspiration from the work of Alice Kettle, Gayle Chong Kwan, Ansel Adams and John Sexton, and José Romussi.
Adonis _ prep work
Adonis _ Final Piece
Adonis's mother, Myrrha commited incest with her father and ran away after being discovered. So great was her shame that she believed to be unworthy of both life and death, asking the gods to rid her of both. She was then turned into a tree, myrrh, but her baby kept on groing inside her until his birth.
Echo _ prep work
Echo _ Final Piece
Echo was a nymph who was both a lover and an accomplice of Zeus. She would distract Hera whenever Zeus was out by talking to her about everything and anything. Once Hera understood the scheme, she cursed Echo to speak only the last words said in a conversation. Echo retreated to a forest, where she found Narcissus. Once he rejected her for her incapacity of speaking her own words, she seeked isolation in a cave, and as time went by she was reduced to the sound of her voice.
The Heliades _ prep work
The Heliades _ Final Piece
The Heliades were Apollo's daughters. When their brother, Phaëthon, died, they were transformed in trees. In the midst of their despair and confusion, both them and their mother tore at their leaves and branches, making blood sprout from them.
Prep Photo for Echo
Prep Photo for The Heliades
Prep Photo for The Heliades
Prep Photo for The Heliades and Echo
Prep Photo for The Heliades
Prep Photo for Adonis
Prep Photo for The Heliades
Prep Photo for Echo


For this project, I selected three stories from Ovid's "Metamorphoses": Adonis in 'Myrrha', Echo in 'Narcissus and Echo', and 'The Heliades'. Tak Read More


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