James Woodham's profile

4 Corners - Game & Level Design


4 Corners is a cooperative puzzle game developed primarily for android tablets on Unity. It was created during the global game jam 2015 and produced within 48 hours. The team was made up off 3 people, 2 designers and 1 programmer.

My primary role was to work with the other designer on creating the main mechanics of the game. Then to design and build levels in the Unity. All the levels you see below were designed and made by myself.      

Level 1 - The main goal is to move the character (the black box) on the left into the gate exit on the right. Touching any sides will restart the level. The aim of this level was to teach the players when moving over the green box it would reveal and unlock the exit.
The core mechanic revolves around getting players to communicate. Therefore each player has access to two controls for the movement (marked by the blue arrows) these controls are not visible to the player and switch randomly every 5 seconds meaning players would need to constantly communicate.
In this level moving objects were added (motion indicate by the blue arrows) so that players would stop and communicate with a verbal countdown to move past each gate.
Additional mechanics were added over time such as the blue and red block which push and pull the player character like magnets. This adds time pressure to certain areas of the level where fast communication would be paramount for success.
From here it was just playing with those simple mechanics to create a series of different levels.
Another example of a harder level where players would be constantly pushed by the magnets and therefore requires constant communication.
The final level I wanted to make something very challenging which hopefully would test how well the two players were communicating at the end of the game.
4 Corners - Game & Level Design

4 Corners - Game & Level Design


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