Xiaoli (Lily) Liao's profile

Honour Project - Storytelling

The project explores storytelling as a way to connect people an communicate through an engaging experience. This allows the audience be into the narrative and thus share the perspective of the storyteller. This leads to the study of the problem with regards
to communication barriers between cross generational family members. Lack of quality
face-to-face social interactions may cause people to judge purely on face value and result
in misunderstanding. An effective and engaging way to bond between cross generations is via pretend play, through which the experience of verbal storytelling is explored in a physical product form. This forms the basis for the primary focus for the project. It aims to develop a radical innovative approach to successfully create new ways for cross generational family to bond through an engaging physical storytelling platform or game. This requires a practice based research methodology that involves prototyping as a way to test knowledge gathered from literature and primary research methods. Iterative research methods taken to inform the product solution are sketch models, electronic prototyping, literature review, paper prototyping, user trialing, competitor analysis, sketching, illustrations and 3D CAD modeling. This leads to the creation of an interactive game platform that uses storytelling as the main vehicle to promote cross generational participation and communication on equal grounds regardless of values, priorities
and communication skills. This allow cross generation to generate storytelling experience
through pretend play and the use of story prompts.
Honour Project - Storytelling