Intelligence for Good

Background and Goal:
Imagine a world where every insight you need to advance your organization’s mission is right at your fingertips—where your technology grows smarter and more effective with every interaction. Blackbaud is creating that world with Intelligence for Good™. The goal of this campaign was to position Blackbaud as the only company taking a comprehensive approach to intelligence that’s completely optimized for social good—by combining big data, artificial intelligence, analytics, and expertise.

Concept and Execution:
This creative concept uses a straightforward, simple approach that focuses on the impact organizations can achieve with Intelligence for Good. It speaks nicely to all markets and verticals and can be applied to text-only deliverables as well as image-based deliverables for specific audiences. It works well in animated banner ads and gifs by creating a scrolling motion effect to emphasize the wide-range of missions that Blackbaud’s Intelligence for Good is uniquely positioned for.
Intelligence for Good