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Character Design: Jungian Shadow

Character Design: Jungian Shadow

For this project, we were asked to create a character-based design to illustrate our Jungian Shadow. The Jungian shadow is everything we hide and dislike about ourselves. I chose to create an underwater diver.

A diver is present in an underwater cave. The diver is in this cave alone, stripped of all contact. He is alone. The suit the diver wears looks robotic. The diver is performing some sort of ambiguous action such as collecting samples or walking around. The diver is surrounded with fish, plants and sea creatures. The diver will explore the unknown with the intention of learning something new.
The diver should appear isolated. There will be an aura of anxiety mixed with a feeling of beauty and wonder. The diver will be too awkward to correctly interact with the space, but too curious to turn away from it, thus placing him in an ever-looping catch-22 situation.
Character Design: Jungian Shadow

Character Design: Jungian Shadow

For this project, we were asked to create a character-based design to illustrate our Jungian Shadow. The Jungian shadow is everything we hide and Read More
