A Visual Narrative on Classical Dance 

Enlighten is a multimedia research project, fabricating the dancer’s expressions into generative visual narration and integrate it along with the performance. The visual narratives are evolving motifs generating from the specially developed pattern generator, which takes its guidelines from the facial expressions of the dancer while performing. 
The  generative visual  narration  along  with  the  performance,  enhance the spectators sensorial experience and strengthen the bond between dancer and spectator.
A Holographic display serves as a miniature model to visualize the fabrication of multimedia  with classical dance.
Driven by the complex interior emotion of a classical dancer, face expressions are tracked and  analyzed by the specially developed pattern generator to create the generative motifs. These generative motifs for different bhavas (facial  expressions) are a series of minimal and abstract  animations of basic geometrical figures. The pattern generator for these generative motifs take 
its guidelines from the human perception of geometrical figures in visualization and 
angika-abhinaya from the natyadarmi style of classicaldance. Thus the generative motifs serves 
as an evocative art which paints the dancers emotions in the backdrop of the theatre throughout 
the performance.
The multimedia dance performance is presented as a process of fabricating classical dance with generative art.