Foodie Marketing

Advertisements & signage done for Hannaford Supermarkets.
This ad for Hannaford Supermarkets appeared in a Maine tourism guide in Summer 2012. I designed the ad and art directed the photo, which was shot by Russell French and styled by Lorie Dorrance.
 Vermont Chamber of Commerce Ad, advertising Hannaford Supermarkets.
 Food photography from Fresh Magazine (Hannaford Bros.)

In-store cannoli promotion for Hannaford Supermarkets. I did the design work and art directed the delicious shoot. Russell French shot it and Lorie Dorrance did the food styling.
 Cheese-of-the-Month store signage for Hannaford Supermarkets. I love designing & copywriting for food ads, and working with the photography.
Foodie Advertising

Foodie Advertising

Art Direction and design for instore signage and magazine marketing.
