Humidor Magazine
Working on a magazine concept, start to finish.
This is a project for my design and concept class.  The project is to come up with a concept for a magazine, mine is about cigars.

The first part of the project is to come up with a name and design a banner for the cover.  I've decided to name my magazine HUMIDOR.  A humidor is where you store your cigars.  I wanted a nice heavy typeface for my banner, so I chose Copperplate Gothic Bold.  To further add to the cigar idea I used the counter in the U to give the shape of the end of a cigar.  I have yet to decide on colors for the title.
After experimenting with many fonts, I've decided upon Bebas Neue.  
After a little work, and taking my own photograph this is the final cover of HUMIDOR. Table of contents are next.
After some adjustments I desaturated the backgr0und photo to better match the feel of the cover.
A two page spread for an article.
Humidor Magazine

Humidor Magazine

A magazine project for class.
