Rohil Pandey's profile

Sojourn (Channapatana Documentation)

Channapatana - The Land Of Toys
Channapatna is a Municipal Council city in district of Ramanagara,
Karnataka. It has a population of 71,942 of which 36,098 are males
while 35,844 are females as per report released by Census India 2011. 
number of Children with age of 0-6 is 8038 which is 11.17 % of total population
of Channapatna. 

It is primarily know for it's nature friendly wooden toys which are made from a special Halle- Maara
 Wood and require a lot of time and patience. This craft is popular globally but due to lack of support
this craft is slowly deteriorating.
Thus this our take on Re-Branding Channapatana and showcasing it's most amazing 
qualities, hoping that it can survive this rough patch and live forever!
                                                NEW VISUAL IDENTITY FOR CHANNAPATANA TOYS
Sojourn (Channapatana Documentation)

Sojourn (Channapatana Documentation)
