This installation was created by putting together different elements:
1) Cone shaped volcanic filters on the top of it, lifted between 2.3 - 2.5 meters from the floor
2) Water mayan drums at floor level (Mayan Water Drums
3) An hydraulic system that makes drops fall rhythmically
5) Hydrophones submerged into the mayan water drums to capture the sound from the water
6) A surround PA system 
7) A computer that processes the sounds from the microphones and makes music with it
The result is a complex musical instrument that gives voice to the river and creates an amazing relaxing ambience, showing the importance that water had in our ancient civilizations. 
This movies explains the design of the system.
 final product
Recording of the sounds generated from the instalation
TOP VIEW: From this view we can see the most of the installation elements. The hoses that feed the volcanic filters that provide the dripping for the water drums. The clay pots that were transformed to water drums by placing the huaje seed in them.
A nice view of the sunset at floor level.
By night the water drums are filled light to create a complete different atmosphere.

The visitors can take a sample of the sound created from the installation on a 5.1 DVD. The DVD is mounted on a huaje, the same seed that was used to create the mayan water drums and is lighted by a rechargeable LED.

Rudy Laddaga  - Creative Director
Héctor Ruiz - Musical Interaction Design and Implementation
Santiago Becerra - Architectural Design
Atoyac Kuícatl

Atoyac Kuícatl

An interactive water fountain that uses volcanic filters, mayan water drums and hydrophones to create music using water from the Atoyac river.
