Damien McKie's profile

An Art Perspective

An Art Perspective
Art is defined as “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination” meaning that so long as there is something to be expressed, it can be called art. However, we as humans, tend to see different things in art than others. Some people try to look for a deep meaning behind every brush stroke, some simply take it at face value and only see what’s before them, and some even go so far as to disprove what others believe to be there. However, art is an expression, and as such, there is no wrong way to act towards an expression. Only an opinion on which way you feel is right. To that end, this book contains several pieces, all created by the same person, to prove a single point. That there is no wrong interpretation of art."

Each image in this gallery has several quotes in their description. I invite you to first look at and think about the art before looking at the quotes. The goal is to have people to think about art and to form their own opinion before trying to consider one that might just be handed to them. None of the quotes belong to the artist, so even they may not be correct. But, then again, can one truly have a wrong opinion about art?

When you first look at each image within the book, you should look at it for a few moments. Consider what it is you're looking at.Try and come up with your own interpretation of the image. Once you feel like you’ve fully explored this idea, turn the page.

Every image in this book has a title, as well as several quotes that describe the image. The title was of course chosen by the artist, while the quotes are from people who have already seen these images. Each quote, is not be taken as a correct interpretation, but instead to be seen as another point of view. One that should only be considered after you have formed your own.

So, with each quote, do not think that your opinion was wrong. Instead, consider how different another person's opinion was from your own. Consider why it was they thought what they did, or why it was you thought what you did. Remember, there is no wrong opinion here. Only another perspective to consider.
“I think this one is showing the typical opinion of bosses, but it’s very exaggerated with the giant nose and huge eyebrows. The red eyes really get the point across that this dude is pissed.”

“Angry executive unsatisfied with his life.”

“An overbearing boss or teacher. One who’s just lying in wait, hoping you make a mistake.”

“Scary Muppet! It seems like someone went ‘Hey, you know what would be a great idea? If we took the boss, made him into a Muppet, then made him the bad guy on Sesame Street. The felt-like pattern on the person’s face further re enforces the Muppet thing. The felt-like pattern on the person’s face further re enforces the Muppet thing.”

“Humpty Dumpty had a terrible last financial quarter.”
“A cartoon wolf dragon.”

“Wow, that’s trippy. Ummm... it looks like a snake, with a nose that’s a lot like one of those angler fish? Where that little bowing man is just that thing on top of their head.”

“It looks like a Pokemon. Is that Rayquaza?”

“The Endless Cycle. Going around and around, but just doing the same thing on a different day, and making no progress.”

“Okay, this one looks like a dragon or a lizard of some kind. The background color and the progression of the amount of light makes me think it’s in a sub aquatic environment. Also, rather than seeing it as a creature’s head and tail, it could be the creature’s head on the right and some seaweed on the left. It’s interesting that it’s got one eye, since monocular vision makes survival incredibly difficult. And assuming it’s some sort of aquatic reptile or amphibian, it's ears are kind of weird, assuming they even are ears.”
“It gives off a really mysterious vibe. It seems to be very grim and dark. It reminds me of a cryptid or some sort of fantasy sea creature that you’d see in artwork sometimes. And the glowing eyes add to it being scary.”

“It looks like a Tim Burton-esque octopus.  I like the foggy sort of background, it’s both cool and adds to the creepy vibe it’s got going on. The eyes remind me of headlights.”

“Hmm...looks like an interesting jellyfish, actually. Rather spooky. Though I’m not sure if it’s intentionally trying to be creepy, or if that is just how it looks. For a second I thought it was sad at first, with the eyes, but I’m not too sure.”

“I like that one, I think it looks nice. Kinda looks like it represents someone going crazy or something like that, but to me it looks like concept art you’d see for a flash game.”

“Some creature stuck in the darkness, lonely and longing for light, but due to how it looks, it will never get there.”
“It looks weird. It’s hand looks all scaly and the wings kind of look like a flipper.”

“Well, this certainly looks interesting. It's a protective mother bird with a scaly man-fish arm for a butt and a weird eye. It’s silently watching the pouring rain as it protects a single egg. I do like the textures, though the finger looks really weird.”

“A malformed toucan. Looks like it's 'retardedly' watching the sky.”

“It looks like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer turned into a demon, and now he's sad because no one understands him.”
"The background looks prettier than the bird.”
“Reminds me of a creature creeping from the depths of the unknown, however it is not a creature with evil intentions. All it wants is a friend.”

“His eyes look so sad. It’s almost as like he’s lost something. Maybe his legs? Is that why he has a spring for legs?”

“It looks like a brown genie with a springy power. It looks like he’s looking at the grass. And he has a mouth on his stomach.”

“This werewolf has met with a terrible fate. While hiking through the jungle he found some new pants, however it was actually a parasite and as soon as he put them on the pants transformed into a spring and now he's stuck with it for life, but the parasite is happy so it smiles all the time.”

“Is that a mole that has a spring on the bottom? It’s in a dark forest and looks sad.”
An Art Perspective


An Art Perspective
