Inevitable, illustration for Popshot Magazine

Popshot Magazine sent me a poem to create an illustration for. To reflect the meaning of the poem, without wanting to use any visuals actually mentioned in the piece, I settled on the idea of drawing an old writing desk. This was where I wanted to imply that the poem had been written, but with the old objects faded and being taken over by new objects belonging to the grandchild of the writer.
Published in the 'Futures' issue, March 30, 2017.
Inevitable, by Nick Toczek

And when my metered years have petered out
extend brief grief to these my bitter bones

this frame on which so long my shape was hung
around loud beating heart and breathing lung

when living hands have taken up the tools
to neatly notch the letters of my name

and my cold corpse has called in old and young
by gathering all those it was among

around a carapace freed now from thought
prepared and brought by no one known to me

and chosen words have flown from every tongue
till echoes fade from phrases said and sung

and then when cars have hurried comers home
and movement – slowed for me – resumes its pace

my ashes may be stored or poured and flung
but thrive, you left alive to whom I clung.
Rough plan:
Final artwork:
Digital view:
In print:
Inevitable, illustration for Popshot Magazine

Inevitable, illustration for Popshot Magazine

Popshot Magazine sent me a poem to create an illustration for. To reflect the meaning of the poem, without wanting to use any visuals actually me Read More
