
fabric, sintepon, threads, polyester batting, amniotic fluid imitation, blood, luminol, potassium ferricyanide, clay

This is the next member of the Gabe family (see the first part Jane Gape. The doll.)

He is the living abortion material. He is absolutely in between the Life and Death. He has no name, no personality, no life story. His Mother for now is a glass jar.
During the creation of Blue Baby Boy I posted parts of him on my Instagram. Thus, he became some sort of my media character that got his «fans». I love this confusing feeling when he has actually turned into the object in jar and his story is over. In fact, he never had story at all. So, there are at least, two imitations here. The life and the story ones. 

All in all, the Baby Boy is a soft sculpture that represents my own thoughts about life and death and how fragile can be the border between them. It states the question — if one is alive when his life is restricted by his own «jar» or can somebody be alive and have personality not even being real?
Blue Baby Boy

Blue Baby Boy

This is the next member of the Gabe family (see the first part He is the living ab Read More


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