//new gods
'//new gods' is a new series of paintings that look at and explore my relationship with religion and God, or any ultimate power. The portraits are based on the photography of Haris Nukem.
The process of this series was informative and insightful with a lot of people contributing their views and ideas. 

I believe that we are all Gods, with our actions and our words we shape the world around us. We do what we feel is right or wrong - at the end - regardless of what we're told and what we learn. The impulse that comes from within is significant of us having a voice and an impulse. We are not shadows of our religion and Gods. We learn and we shape our lives with these decisions. Our actions have the power to change someone's lives forever and I feel that is a lot of power. The way we live is reflective in the way we live. I believe that we are all Gods because Gods were us at a certain point too.

I aim to have more knowledge about religion and God, the point where this was made in my life - I was and am still learning about different religion and practices. If you feel there is something, anything portrayed wrong or false - let's talk and share the information, in a civil fashion

The views of this project aren't reflective of the models portrayed. 
new angel//1/3//new gods

this is the first installment of a series of this series, representing religion in a way that hasn't been done yet. Me and (the idea of) God have had a rough path and my beliefs have been destroyed completely. Although, that doesn't stop me from exhibiting my opinions. 
I don't intend to hurt sentiments, I'm just trying to showcase what I see and how I see regular persons as people of god. Does god accept you if you smoke and go to church? Does god accept that you get naked for your partner or for someone who isn't your partner? I don't know, and neither do you, all we do know is what comes down to us as passed and processed information. With this series all I'm showing is one, distressed and worn out and at their worst (any which way) is still a god in themselves and the power we believe in is in us and our sins and our good deeds make us who we are, new Gods.

I come from a protestant Christian family, I used to have faith and a lot of it came from fear and lack of courage in myself. I would pray for things to happen, beg for things and plead. My faith was completely broken when I saw so much sickness around me, mental, physical, medical and non-medical. When I would read about children dying everyday, families dying in accidents, old people being thrown out of houses; it made me question my faith. 

"If there is a God, any God, why isn't he or she or it listening?"

Then I saw things in my own family; which made me question faith in God and people, both. I saw my mother - helpless and weak. We would all pray to the sky together, hoping things will be alright. But they only got better when we took charge, and started doing what we wished to happen, this is when I realized that faith might give some power, it might suck power out of some. But, we all have power inside us. We are all Gods.

new allah//2/3//new gods

This is the second installment in this series.
The depiction of Allah has never been pictorial; which gave way to a question: could a God be human? Could that human err? 
It's considered blasphemous to picture Allah, and that is not what I am trying to do here. The goal is to look at God or Allah in a more human sense, to see him in everyone and pay the same amount of respect to people we meet and we see, regardless of their background or faith. 
This piece also dabbles with things that aren't allowed men aren't allowed to do (some of the following apply to both) such as body art, smoking, jewelry, masturbation, shaving hair and using body scent. The question still remains the same, would one be accepted by their god if they do things that are against his or her word? Considering the fact that choosing to do either of those things comes from an impulse that is internal and organic and I feel if something comes so naturally to one and it does not harm lives of self or the other, why are they looked down at? 

I personally feel, religion and faith often acts like a set of rules that guide one on how to live a healthy and fruitful life. Considering the fact that Islam came to being around the year 570, I imagine there to be a higher chance of getting sick and if you lived by this certain book of rules, you could live for longer. Fast forward to now, people live for longer, medicine has made leaps and grown into something which can take care of almost everything and I feel these rules can be less rigid and at the end of it all, the only thing that should matter is being a good human being. Now, I am not saying that the books are wrong, I am only inviting you to see the growth we've made as a society and civilization and seeing these rules from a more free and open point of view.

I lack a lot of knowledge about Islam; but I welcome your opinions and I would like to state this again that this is not intended to hurt anyone's feelings and sentiments, this is just an artwork voicing my opinion. 
new devi//3/3//new gods

this is the final installment of this series.
This particular piece looks and challenges the usual depiction of women in Hinduism. Here I've tried to portray a woman owning up to her sexuality and religion in harmony. 
Women, for me have always been a god like. I live with my mother and sister, the amount of learning that I have garnered from them is uncanny. often intentions of a woman are expected to be underhanded and subtle; which I feel is a little conflicting with the religion and it's portrayal of it's female gods. women of the Mahabharata were very straight forward about what they wished and wanted - in any sense. Sita, didn't stand for the constant doubt she was put up against. Kali, Lakshmi, Sarasvati and many other goddesses were bold and beautiful. The image of a woman in my country is now changing, but in the name of religion, a lot of these images get blurred and voices get pressed. like always, I would love to gain your perspective on the same and I hope this series makes you think more than it makes you react. 
Thank you.
//new gods

//new gods

'//new gods' is a series that explores my relationship with religion it's symbols. It also looks at what religion stands for.
