"Shame on You"
Took me around 50 hours or so.
Size : A2
Shame on You" 

Abuse or rape is the Violations of sacredness of someone's personal life. 

683,000 forcible rapes occur every year, which equals 56,916 per month, and about 1871 per day. We have been seeing lots and lots of abuses and rapes in the news, The Delhi Gang Rape and other similar incidents happening around our country. And there were ministers justifying these things. I only have one question to these people. If that kind of thing happen to your sister, daughter, wife or mother, would you say the same thing or justify the people behind it? I really feel disgusted by these kinds of people. God created Man and Woman as equal. There is no justification for being unkind to woman. It makes me really sad. Sometimes we are helpless. As being an artist, I thought it's my social responsibility to do something. 

I had a friend who went thru similar situation. I remember, narrating the incident. Her voice was trembling. In her eyes i saw the pain and I often think to myself "she is a brave girl. She suffered quiet a lot." I know it scared her so badly. I don't know how much she suffered all her life. I pray to God that her pain would go away soon. Also pray to God that these kinds of things never happen to any women. 

And I really hope and pray government would bring some kind of measures and punishment for people who violate the sacredness of someone's life. 

Ps. I was racking my brains out to find a good and suitable title for this drawing. I thought of "tortured soul or girl". I asked my brother and sister. My brother said "shame on you". I asked him, why? I thought it’s a more suitable title. Shame on people who abuse girls/woman. Shame on people who didn't do anything to save or protect these girls/woman. Shame on people who didn't bring any rules or punishment who violate someone's personal space. Shame on people who didn't react. 

I hope it would bring forth some change. Please feel free to share this. Together we can change the world. 
Shame on you


Shame on you

I did this drawing because of the increase in the abuse on women.
