North Dakota Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) is the largest student led collegiate business organization in the state of North Dakota, and the nation. Designing it's membership theme for the 2016-2017 year was an unprecedented challenge that I gladly accepted. 
Managing the a social of the social media was my favorite part of the last. We were able to make a seasonal twist to the membership theme and highlight key partners in the process. 
Creating dynamic handouts for local chapters to use and recruit new members was also a vital part of the campaign. We focused on three key benefits: Find Adventure Around the Country, Find Potential Employers, and Find Success in Competitive Events. 
In addition to revamping the recruitment and social media marketing campaigns with the new theme, I also revamped the corporate partner program. This resulted in over 15 new corporate partners and 1500% increase in revenue.
Each Spring, North Dakota PBL brings in hundreds of students from around the region for the annual State Leadership Conference, which I had the opportunity to coordinate. This opportunity allowed me to expand and further develop the opportunities to our members including: a revamped networking dinner and an exclusive internship fair. Coupled with our recruitment efforts and aggressive campus marketing, conference attendance is up over 30%.
North Dakota PBL

North Dakota PBL

Development of the 2016 - 2017 Graphic Identity, Recruitment Materials, Conference and Social Media Graphic
