Fabio Pietrobono's profile

4 generations of women

4 generazioni di donne stessa famiglia
4 generations of women the same family
Una giornata Simbolo dedicata a quattro Generazioni di donne.

Bisnonna - nonna - Madre - figlia
Donne che possiedono qualità nobili

Le foto si trovano anche qui oppure sul blog di Eventi Atelier di Alessandra Manicni

Grazie ad Alessandra per la sue abilità di Paper Artist e per condividere con me progetti interessanti.
Allestimenti in carta e scenografie: Eventi Atelier
Seconda generazione: Dayana
A day dedicated symbol to four Generations of women.

Great-grandmother - Grandma - Mother - daughter

Women who possess noble qualities.

The photos are also found here or on the Atelier Events blog Alessandra Manicni
here you can to see all of the shooting pictures and also can read their stories 


Thanks to Alessandra for its Paper Artist and skills to share with me interesting projects.

Productions in paper and set designs: Events Atelier
Second generation family: Dayana
Photos and retouching: Fabio Pietrobono Photography
4 generations of women

4 generations of women

4 generazioni di donne stessa famiglia 4 generations of women the same family
