Abigail Bruce's profile

Tribute to Rupert

Tribute to Rupert
Fall 2014 
Art 131 Fundamentals of Design I

This piece was for an assignment in which we had to express a specific emotion through use of color and lighting. I used the fire flies as a leading line to the giant frog and instruments to the right of the piece.I based this piece off of an animation called “Rupert and the Frog Song” by Paul McCartney. This animation was one of the main influences for me to become an artist and I wanted to convey that inspiration through this piece. This piece was selected in the Peninsula Fine Arts Center  “Genesis 2016  College Student Juried Exhibition.” The paper vines and rocks are meant to envelope the event taking place, as if the viewer is hiding behind them watching this secret celebration. And as happy as the scene is taking place, the owl and cats are hidden in the corners and are meant to be menacing. The purpose for having them hidden is so that the viewer is surprised their presence as the frogs becomes when they realize they are discovered.
Tribute to Rupert


Tribute to Rupert
