Willliam Moritz's profile

Derby Down: Starring The Betty Rockers

Derby Down
Starring the Betty Rockers
This is the story of five girls going through highschool and growing through the sport of roller derby. 

​​​​​​​1 page Illustration
Character Turnarounds
1 Page Comic
Animated Gif
Scene Script
Story Boards
Sketch, Line, Flat Color
"The show will be full of action with exotic teams that they compete against. However, there is also a strong emphasis on development....
        The characters will encounter other sports teams outside of roller derby and learn lessons that help them out in the ring and in life from these other athletes. "
Character Turn Arounds
Sketch, Line, Flat Color, Duo shade, Final Shading
Dress Code
"Looks at the tall girl standing awkwardly. We all know a friend who has felt out of place soaring over a room. This makes her character dress more put together. 
         She is fashion forward while never wanting to stand out more than she has to. She has the most coordinated outfits out of the entire group. "
Comic Sample
Animated Gif
"Is this the prettiest animation I've ever made...no not by a long shot, but it does it's job. It tells you immediately how these characters should move. What the action is going to feel like."
First Team Sketch Together 
Derby Down: Starring The Betty Rockers

Derby Down: Starring The Betty Rockers
