Terry Sharbach's profile

McKesson Business of Pharmacy Mailings

McKesson wanted an impressive series of dimensional mailings to tout their Business of Pharmacy (BoP) service and new website. The target audience was C-level managers of hospitals and health-care facilities, and Pharmacy Directors. The first mailing was an attractive box of fresh oranges, branded with the McKesson BoP logo, to the C-level admins, or "gatekeepers," with a message to be aware of a future mailing coming their bosses' way. The second mailing, to Pharmacy directors, included a capsule-shaped flash drive, also branded with the BoP logo, that took the recipient to the new website. The third mailing, to the C-level executives, included a book on health and a compelling offer to meet with a McKesson rep. The mailings brought in enough new customers to be considered successful.
McKesson Business of Pharmacy Mailings

McKesson Business of Pharmacy Mailings

McKesson Business of Pharmacy Mailings
