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One-Point Practice

One point without plan practice. This was an in class exercise where the class walked through how to set up one point perspective diagram. This was created using graphite pencil and printer paper. Correct line weights were applied and taught with this assignment. 
One point completion without plan. This assignment was to put the one point perspective drawing into practice. This was a kitchen of choice and had to include upper and lower cabinets, a sink, countertop, and a toe kick. Appropriate line weights also had to be displayed. 
One point completion without plan. This assignment was created in the one point perspective without a plan but guidelines were still used. There were several pieces of furniture that had to be included. 
One point with plan completion. This was an in class assignment where the class walked through how to do a perspective drawing from the one point perspective with a plan. First the grid at the top was created and then the lines were brought down to create the perspective drawing. 
One point completion with plan. This assignment was drafted with plan of a room, but differed from other drawing because the vanishing point was moved 2' higher or lower from a drawing done previously. In this case the vanishing point is 2' higher than it would normally be. 
One point completion with plan. This draft was created in the one-point perspective using a plan. Several items of furniture were included with practicing the application of the hard wood flooring. A light fixture in the ceiling or on a table also has to be included in this piece. 
One Point Trace. For this assignment we had to find a magazine photo taken from the one point perspective and had to trace over the picture. We had to use correct line weights and modify one piece of furniture to make it something different. 
One-Point Practice

One-Point Practice

One-Point completion assignments are in class assignments that help us practice the new task we have been assigned and prepare us for our project Read More
