Rio Grey's profile

Merging Worlds

Mermaid.  My classmates had a profound discussion on what sort of music should accompany this scene.
Cobra in a Cathedral.  She's probably quite a knowledgable giant snake, but prepare yourself for the advice you need but don't want to hear.
Skeleton Canyon.  I ventured out of my comfort zone for the color here, but when depicting such an extreme sport I figured I should try for the same.
Traveler Arriving in a Stained Glass City.  Process below.
Illustrations united by process rather than concept or content.  Using Photoshop, I meshed together reference from photographs, which I used as a base for tracing and watercolor work.  From there I returned to photoshop to further tweak color and value.  
The photoshop composition was a chaos of ripping doors and windows from Barcelona and squeezing them into the back-alley of an Italian coastal down. The architecture beckoning from down the road belongs to Aït Benhaddou, Morocco - and the cats, well, they belong everywhere.
I attempted to reel in the chaos with simple value structures, but found I couldn't contain myself to just one light source.
With the magic of a printer and a light-table, I traced the photoshop composition in ink.  Fearing the worst, I scanned it before adding textural work in watercolor.  Somehow, it ended up with a bit of color, too.  
I did much more work digitally with this piece than any of the others featured above.  Photoshop has tools perfectly suited for creating the grow of a distant stained glass-dome, the warmth of windows a wanderer passes but cannot enter - and for managing the perspective on that pesky railing's shadow.  Alas, I still needed input from my teacher and classmates on that front. At their advice, the shadows became softer and more inviting, the cut of light less harsh.
Merging Worlds

Merging Worlds

Illustrations united by process rather than concept or content. Using Photoshop's editing capabilities, I meshed together reference from photogra Read More
