Kappa Sigma 
Flyers, Email Artwork, Instagram posts
(In Chronological Order)
2013 - 2014
Founding Year
      With very little events taking place and lack of notoriety, there wasn't much design work needed, however creating our social media presence and flyers required plenty of delegation. 
      CR training (Chris and Ronit) was a personal training business started by two of my fraternity brothers. I created their logo and Facebook page. I had the honor of designing our Halloween flyer. The Kappa Sigma Bowl flyer was also prestigious because I was asked send it out to all nearby New York chapters.

Position: Head of Public Relations
Responsibilities: Oversee Twitter, Facebook, and Google+, create flyers and print them

Getting off the ground
      This is the year we began to produce more work than any other year. We became known across the campus from our go-get-it attitudes and creative event hosting. With every event we had a flyer prepared posted around the school and on Facebook. Help from leaders delegating had us separate my workload in three leaving only the flyer design up to me.. We decided to drop Google+ and mainly stick to marketing with emails and flyers.
      Notable work here includes the Breast Cancer Walk poster, the first Dodge ball Tournament (2nd annual) poster, rush week , and European Handball flyers. This year had the heaviest production and perhaps the most events.

Position: Public Relations
Responsibilities: Create and print flyers, distribute them across the school
      This was the year I became Vice President. Adding more responsibility meant I had less time to delegate public relations work and we split that role even further. I was solely responsible for creating the advertisements and posting them to Instagram. This is noticeable with the doubled events as they are sized for an 8x11 printer and square for Instagram posts. I also began to introduce my own artwork and style into some flyers. You can notice this on the Dunk Tank, KE Sweetheart, Speed Dating, and Mike Patrick magic show flyers.

Position: Vice President, Advertising chair
Responsibilities: Oversee discipline and risk management, Assist the President and serve the Executive Committee, Create flyers, manage Instagram page
      After stepping down from the Executive role, I was again the advertisement-guy. Responsible for creating our identity across campus and the feel of our ads the past few years, creating the last posters was simple. I used some of our recognizable images and themes taking advantage of our school brand identity.

Position: Advertising Chair
Responsibilities: Create Flyers
Extras/ Unused
Kappa Sigma

Kappa Sigma

From the date of our fraternities inception, October 14th 2013, I have created our flyers and advertisements. While gaining experience with Adobe Read More
