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until the darkness comes

“…when we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change”-Avatar

I would agree at times that this quote may sound idealistic but it is something that is extremely inspirational to those of us who can relate in times of need or even those who attempt to harness its power. The fact of the matter is this isn’t a new concept and has massive roots in essentially every theology one can name. Additionally, it has been a philosophy that has seen a strong resurgance recently in pop-culture.

I first noticed it in the collaboration between Chuck Palahniuk and David Fincher, Fight Club. Tyler Durden, played by Brad Pitt, embodies a modern day Buddha or at very least a suburan shaman. Durden shouts into a megaphone things like “You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake…you are the all singing all dancing crap of the world!”. While it might not be as eloquently spoken as Sidhartha, fundementally it is pretty similar. A more relevent quote, especially for our purposes here, would be: “…its only after we’ve lost everything…that we’re free to do anything.”. Here Durden sums up the exact philosophy at hand. In Buddhism, the final stages on enlightenment only occur when you leave everything else behind; all the teachings you’ve studied previously, the self and even what binds you to earth itself.

Another intriguing example to this idea comes from the roots of alchemy, called Nigredo. Nigredo is defined as a state of despair so deep that its said the brain itself turns black; this is the first stage in the path to elightenment. Psychoanalyst Carl Jung, who often sites alchemical reference, discusses Nigredo within his work. For Jung’s use, this term is a metaphor applied when an individual faces their “shadow” self. Even the German artist Anselm Keifer taps into this notion with his work as a whole as it centers mostly on guilt. more specifically his piece aptly named, Nigredo.

With the use of art therapy, or at very least the idea that through artistic endeavor, the creator can expunge metaphoric demons in a healthy and cathartic fashion.

until the darkness comes

until the darkness comes

commentary on the roots of Avatar quote.


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