Bedroom set
Final project for Bachelor degree
How much stuff are we able to place on our night tables? The book, alarm clock, lamp, phone, water, napkins...all of it takes a lot of space. Therefore my suggestion to hide some of those elements so the sleeping environment can be as pleasant as possible.

The most characteristic feature is the integration of an alarm clock inside the table so that the digits and buttons show through the acrylic stone and control happens through a touch sensing system. Moreover, the night light is also integrated into this system, consisting of LED's. 

The concept of lighting follows the idea used by some companies of improving our time for waking up by linking both sound alarm clock and light (simulating sunrise) to change the status of our bodies, making us less likely to wake up with a start.

Since the idea came to mind a lot has happened, and the next iteration of the project should consist on actually linking the system using IoT, therefore making is possible to operate it via smartphone.

It also incorporates features such as small closets located in the headboard or the possibility of including shelves in the back part of it, if the room size allows it.

Made of two main materials: oak plywood and solid surface (acrylic stone) it minimises the usage of hardware and hides the existing so lines appear continuous.

Drafting, budget and manufacturing processes were also required for submission of the project, therefore it is viable.
Bedroom set render from CATIA V5
Handles of the night table made by curving the plywood
Clock digits seen through solid surface thanks to the translucent properties.
The solid surface gives the possibility of changing the look and feel of the whole set.
Bedroom set


Bedroom set

Bedroom set with integrated alarm clock and light system.
