natalie cruz's profile

2017 January Portfolio

2017 January portfolio
My first time shooting for a brand or really anyone at all. The experience was amazing and couldn't be more thankful for the opportunity.
This photo was the one photo the they chose to put on their website. I never thought anything of mine would actually be put out there.
This project I remember the day very vividly. My dad and I were out and I forced him to pull over really quick to take these pictures. We then sat and talked about photography and the future for hours.
The Bronx zoo. I was in awe from this adorable tiger cub and then out of nowhere this man came over with a 70-200mm lens and asked if I would like to use it. I then captured this photo and fell in love with it.
The signature broken down car behind the high school. I went here with my friend Gaby and never knew how much of an impact she would have on me.

The fortune cookie. One of my favorite projects. You had to look at words in a different ways.
My first shoot ever. Baby Owen, so innocent and little perfectly asleep and lost in his dreams.

 Self portraits. Probably the most awkward pictures to take. What do I do? How do I stand? 
I'm so used to  standing behind the camera. I am never ever in front of it but this photo I actually like.

My best friend. The one person I take pictures of. This picture tells a story. Is she too tired to wake up? Or tired of waking up? Is the sun coming in through the window? Or is sun finally coming into her life?
I put my friend in a closet, wrapped lights around her, and told her to pose. This is one of my favorite pictures and I just don't know why, I just really like it.

I have previously done a black light photoshoot before but it came out terrible. I have grown and so have my skills so I revisited this idea.
Absolutely the most fun photoshoot to do. Frustrating at first but then extremely fun.
Different. I like different. I don't like your typical posing portrait. I like to be different and capture angles that you don't usually see.
The thought that the spine holds together what we are and with one crack it could all fall apart.

Where I knew that this is what I love and what I want to do.
My favorite picture that I have ever taken. The way the light hits her and the way she's looking. I don't know why but this picture is my favorite and where I started to fall in love with black and white photography.
2017 January Portfolio

2017 January Portfolio
