Ong Kang Shon's profile

IKIM Training and Consultation Centre


The current issue faced mostly by the Islamic society are the prejudice of the society due to the preconceived notion and misconception on their faith. It usually happens in countries that have multicultural races with their own faith and believes. 

People with other faiths and beliefs did not take an initiation to learn about them but influenced by globalisation on how media portrayal of Islamic society, especially in the Western countries. Several cultural challenges have been faced such as the need for people to understand the religion due to the division between faiths in the community.
Perspective towards Accomodation Block
Look for common activity and understanding as common denominator

Interweave both social and learning space to create understanding between Muslim and non-Muslim

Create a series of more intimate and informal communal courtyards as Urban Living Rooms for the residential, learning and religion community
2F Gathering Area view towards Gallery & Reflection

Reunite and Reform
Constructive Interfaith dialogue [with the purpose of understanding and respect]
Although religion are divided by complex theological question, inter-religious dialogue focused around morality, ethics and values that can be an extraordinary avenue for intercultural exchange

Cultural Exchange programs [ Locally and Internationally]
Gather students worldwide from different background to Understand and Experience Malaysia through Islamic studies & principle in the meantime providing exposure on inter-faith understanding
a. Malaysian cuisine    b. Pottery Workshop c. Batik Workshop     d. Gallery ( Islamic Art )

Coming together for the common goal has proven to be a successful way to heal divided communities. Most often, when people of different faiths come together, individuals find a new respect for one another.

The event broke down many barriers and led to new friendships. Participants also used the event as an opportunity for honest dialogue.

Expressing faith
Many people of faith are called to help the poor, serve others and make the world a better place. Community Project is a clear expression of faith for people of many diverse beliefs. The key to developing interfaith projects is to approach new partners from a spirit of humility and cooperation.

Inter-generation Communication
We believe that fostering future leaders in Islam is very important. We can learn a lot from our elders not only about the workshop but also Islamic teachings and beliefs. It brings everyone of any age together to a common goal.
Perspective towards Promenade and Lake
Section Y-Y'
IKIM Training and Consultation Centre

IKIM Training and Consultation Centre

Malaysia Islamic Institute - IKIM Proposal - Student Education Accommodation Public Due to the prejudice of the society caused by preconceive n Read More
