Kevin C. Thompson's profile

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Ad Exploration

Bank of America Merrill Lynch launched during the summer of 2009 with a series of ads (designed by The Brand Union) that appeared in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and other national print media.

It quickly became evident, however, that those ad concepts would not be adaptable to the hundreds of regional and sponsorship ads that need to be generated each year. As one of three designers assigned to the project, I was asked to find ways to make the elements work at less than a full page ad size, with varying degrees of copy, and with photography that wasn’t so heavily curated.

I developed concepts that leveraged the work of The Brand Union while providing for more flexibility in ad size, copy placement, and image choice. I also wrote and designed the presentation deck.
Selection of pages from the presentation deck

Proposed ad design
Proposed ad design
Proposed ad design
Proposed ad design
Proposed ad design
Bank of America Merrill Lynch Ad Exploration


Bank of America Merrill Lynch Ad Exploration

Bank of America Merrill Lynch Ad Exploration
