Andres Gonzalez's profileGrexia Maldonado's profile


Fashion Story

Every human being has an opportunity in their life to live those feelings or actions that make them feel alive. A simple action cannot define who we are; an action is a responds of some behavior made of angry, fear, jealousy or happiness that makes our body our mind react in different ways.

Since humans creates some states to define those emotions, we live every day in some kind of story; a story that relates our sense of perception to each other. However, humans are not machines, human can feel, can hurt, can cry, can loved or die, but there is something that we never realized while we were growing up and is that our body has a perception of something that it calls “environment”. A controlled environment where we live every day, forced to be perfect for someone else, forced to follow a pattern of behavior or thoughts to be accepted.

At the end, our body is a machine made of different part that makes us feel alive, but there is something more bigger than a heart or brain that can help us to perceives that we are not the only living machine in this forced environment and is Sense.

Sense of feelings,

Sense of perceptions,

Sense of life…
© Angonzalezr Photography

Models: Jousy Chan @jousychan
Stylist: Grexia Maldonado @grexiamaldonado 
Hair & Makeup: Roma Coronado @romamakeup
Location: Valencia, VE.