Okay,  So I admit I have always been a khadi girl. The more I look into the history of khadi, the more fascinating it becomes for me. Even today khadi has maintained its opulence in the fashion world. Recently I bought a Hand  woven silk scarf  from fabindia. Every time I wear it, I get curious as to how millions of threads have been interwined beautifully into a simple cloth by human hands and not by any machine. It is an incredible textile !

I have always loved the idea of abandoning ‘perfect’ and even ‘good enough’ things. Life – the fingerprints, the scars and palm lines  – is itself perfectly imperfect, and I want to embrace the beauty in that. Wabi Sabi also works on the same principle.
Keeping the two elements together (khadi & wabi sabi) ,I found that they arise from the same ground. Both believe in simplicity and rawness of an existent. And there’s an irresistible beauty in their cause and motives.
Hence I decided to form some designs, and boards sympathizing and combining my inspiration  and my most-liked textile.

"We never perfect the design, even though we generally seek to improve it."

With a focus on deconstruction taking center-stage, irregular shapes emerge as key silhouettes in my work.
So I started my designs keeping in mind various types of drapes that are possible in such look. Fabric manipulation and innovative pattern cutting to create silhouettes that fold, drape and fall at unexpected angles has been my greatest inspiration while working.

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The women who have been inspired by such collections must be very eco-friendly. She would chose to buy clothes which are not very fancy and highly over-priced but are more organic and natural. They would have a different kind of wardrobe and would not be dependent on other people for choosing their own style. Their spending expenditure is very economical. These women compliment even simple things they find around them. More overlaps, folds, cuts and patchwork are their favorite.
They have a tendency to mix-match accessories and clothes on their own instead of buying a completely new garment. They love shops like Fabindia, Kilol where they can get more organic fabrics. They are more into natural things and love exploring shops which have handloom collections.
These women love tribal craft and most of them mainly belong to the ethnic group. Having knowledge about different cultures and there fashion background, they proudly walk among the crowd with the utmost dignity.



Keeping the two elements together (khadi & wabi sabi) ,I found that they arise from the same ground. Both believe in simplicity and rawness of an Read More
