EN Stranded is an animation I developed as the final project of my Design Graphic undergraduate course at UNESP Bauru, Brazil. I tried to create a short film that makes the viewer want to see more, as the it is a trailer for a webcomic I'm writing. The whole animation was done in 3 months or so, and I had help from Gleisson Cipriano and Carolina Batista, who painted many animated frames. Without them this project would not be possible.

Stranded tells the story of Seren, an alien creature who belongs to a very advanced race that travels throughout the universe searching for another intelligent life form, without success. After centuries of doing so, Seren starts to question the nature of his job and learns that the universe is unpredictable and much bigger than he previously thought. The animation is set in the very beginning of the webcomic.

PT-BR Stranded é uma animação desenvolvida como projeto de conclusão do curso de Design Gráfico na UNESP Bauru. Eu tentei fazer um curta que instigasse o espectador a querer ver mais, pois ele é um trailer para uma webcomic que estou escrevendo. A animação foi terminada em mais ou menos 3 meses e eu tive a ajuda de Gleisson Cipriano e Carolina Batista, que pintaram muitos frames animados. Sem eles o projeto não seria possível.

Stranded conta a história de Seren, um alienígena pertencente a uma raça muito avançada que viaja pelo universo em busca de outras formas inteligentes de vida, sem sucesso. Depois de séculos, Seren começa a questionar a natureza do seu trabalho e descobre que o universo é muito maior e imprevisível do que eles acreditava ser. A animação se passa no início da webcomic.
Seren (left) and Graig (right), the two characters shown in the animation
A few creatures I designed for this project
Two different planets from the beginning of the project
Above you can see a background layout from the cinematic. Below, the final version used in the animation
Four screencaptures from the animation
The animation and coloring process
The same scene now with complete post-production
Sorry for the lack of subtitles, I'm working on them so everyone can understand the story :)


Final project for Design Graphic undergraduate course at UNESP Bauru
