wentong he's profile

The turtle shell

Yesterday with a long time no contact WeChat high school classmates, he was learning achievement is very general, the university not to go to later will go to the field work, met with later, I asked: "what now?", he said: "white collar"...In the rest of the chat, also is only in the company to do PPT, why does he have this pair of toe high pride, can not help but reminds me of before seen a words: "now in the company's cubicle HengChi HengChi do PPT, and the women when standing on a sewing machine, there is no essential difference.""Including the package you send red envelopes expression, now kneel o beggar and under the overpass kowtow, but there is no essential difference between."Just for a change, I don't have anything to tsundere, only more clearly realize, we are the soul of doing a timeless things, since ancient times, the tortoise had been carrying a heavy shell, pressure from generation to generation in the body of the shell and now what's the difference?

What we carry?

The turtle shell

The turtle shell

Yesterday with a long time no contact WeChat high school classmates, he was learning achievement is very general, the university not to go to lat Read More


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