Holy Light
We all know that the cross represents Christianity and Jesus’ sacrifice upon the cross, but here would be an image that I feel should represent Christianity as a whole.

You have the central star, representing the light of Christ standing out against the blackness of sin. The star is also shaped into the star of David and the crucifixion cross, showing that Christianity sprang from the Jews and evolved to what it is; and also symbolizes the Father and Son. The three smaller stars represent the Trinity; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit united by a ring representing God being “One in Three Persons.”

As for the beams of light; the represent the rainbow in Genesis as well as God accepting everybody, regardless of background and history, who accepts Him in turn and commits to him. They are darker at each end deliberate because He accepts the sinners too, but those especially who ask for forgiveness.

The colors also are representative too; the red, orange, and purple represent war and blood, lust, and material wealth. I placed them on the bottom because Earth is well beneath heaven, and this is where we all start out. They are also longer because the majority of humanity are sinners, and that Jesus came down to reconcile with the sinners. The top colors: yellow, green, blue, and indigo are the light of God, the life he provides of plant and water, and the sun as well as heavenliness to which we ascend, and the barrier between heaven and creation; hence why these colors are on top.
Holy Light

Holy Light

A flag that represents Christianity and what it stands for.
