C Black's profile

The art of Worms WMD

Hi and welcome to The Art Of Worms WMD. I was Lead Artist on this project and I wish to not just show artworks but also discuss the art style and my contribution.

Above you can see a bespoke artwork I created for an online competition.
Below you can see assets for the recent free DLC "Brimstone"
First is the loading screen I created

The land pieces I created

Some buildings I created

Some dressing props
Below you can see the assets I created for the  theme called Wormhole. This started as a Switch exclusive then came to other formats later.
Worms WMD is the latest in one of the oldest and longest running franchises in gaming. The plan with WMD was to take it back to its roots and make the best possible tribute to what are considered some of the best games in this series history. In terms of the art the intention always was to make it one of the best looking 2d games available.
Many people are under the mistaken impression making a 2d game is "easy" however nothing could be further from the truth. The volume and quality of work in this game is truly on an epic scale. At one point during production the artists were literally wearing through Wacom nibs at such a rate we were having to order packs of them every week. There are hundreds of high resolution hand painted graphics in this game. If you were to print them out they would easily fill a large art gallery!
When fully zoomed in during the game it is displaying the artwork at a 1 to 1 pixel ratio. To see a whole level at 1 to 1 you would need an 8K monitor! In order to make the game look good the artists had to paint hundreds of high resolution bespoke artworks. Enough so the random level generator doesnt show obvious duplication. This is then magnified across multiple themes each dramatically different too so very little can be shared across themes.
A big part of the worms universe is also a rich sense of humour and surreal comedy. There is a lot of parody and humour in the series and we worked hard to put as much of this into the game as possible.
The older brits might recognise the image below.
Below are some of the loading screens for the game, I took some in game assets and composed them together then painted into it and added to it to make a bespoke image for each theme. Yes I did do the pub!
England theme - below are some of the assets I created for the England theme. The unusual thing about this is that normally in a game English levels tend to be London centric however it was our express intention to make the England theme much more Yorkshire in its look and feel. Yorkshire has always played a big part in worms especially in the humour.

All these assets are downsampled from the originals.
The buildings play a big part in the game and are comprised of many layers. I created all of these
Each theme can have as many as nearly 50 landpieces like these below, each one painted in high res then tidied up for in game. These were originally done by our concept artist but I done a few paintovers of them till they worked as in game assets.
Interesting fact - The game code is based on Worms Armageddon, However it was never designed to work with such high resolution assets and as a result the worm would get constantly snagged on individual blades of grass. To keep the collision and movement as it was originally the only solution was for me to go through the entire game and carefully trim all the grass!
These are some buildings I created for the jungle. These were some of the very first assets I created for the game.
These are some of the buildings I created for the french theme called "Liberation"
Here are some of the dressing objects I also created for "Liberation".
These have been scaled down from the original assets and are not to scale
I also created all the "Liberation" land pieces. These were slightly different from the other themes in that we had extra "beach" pieces which transitioned to the higher land pieces. Here is a smal selection of them below.
Here are the buildings I created for the "Motherland" theme.
Some of the "Motherland" Dressing objects.
Some buildings I created for the USA theme
Its not just hand painted land assets, the Worm and everything the worms interect with or use was done in a different art style. The intention was to make it look like older animated films where by the backgrounds are very detailed but the worm and his assets are all very clean and graphic almost like cell shaded art but in a much more modern style. This seperation is very important for gameplay, I created these assets such as the projector and the Sentry guns.
The vehicles were a very important new feature and went through multiple iterations. Here they are as earlier versions, A great deal changed on them for gameplay and aesthetic reasons.
I hope you enjoyed this look at Worms WMD the small team of artists put in a phenomenal effort. I can only show a tiny fraction of the artwork here but I hope it gives you some idea of the scale and effort that has went into the game.

I also hope you enjoy playing it!
The art of Worms WMD

The art of Worms WMD

An over view of the art on the Videogame worms WMD wher eI was the Lead Artist.
