Axolotl Tragedy
Adobe After Effects
Fall 2016

This is an info-graphic about the endangered species, the axolotl. My goal was to share a story that was at first pleasant to look at and easy to connect emotionally, but then turn it into the darker reality. Possibly provoking the urge to further research and help the axolotl. I created the script, the voice over, and the assets.

To gain awareness of the endangered species, axolotl. It will be displayed in a way that is entertaining for the viewer, but especially the younger generation because they will have to be passionate enough to start saving these creatures.
Living in the Lake of Xoxhimilco, lies the secret to body regeneration. Meet the Axolotl, an endangered amphibian with extraordinary healing abilities that allows it to regrow fully functioning limbs. However, unnatural predators, such as the tilapia, have eradicated much of the population. Pollution from Mexico City have attributed to their 90% population loss since 2005, putting Axolotl on the critically endangered list.
Style Frames
Axolotl Tragedy

Axolotl Tragedy

An Info-Graphic about the endangered species, the axolotl.
