Death of Vowels
This is a little something I did during a workshop class in 2014. The "proposal" or "objective" that was given was to work around the theme of letter fonts and create a sort of collage or representation of an image using a conglomerate of various letter fonts. Although originally a fairly "dry" topic to approach, I decided to apply my dark twist to it. So I made this sort of "sculpture" using K-line cardboard, red paint and cut out letters. I'm particularly proud of the way those "F"s and that letter "K" came out when I drew them originally.  It's fairly small in reality but still gives off a strong impact.
As is pretty obvious, the letter O is being "stabbed" by three Fs, whilst to the right is the letter K; behind it a tilted letter U and the letter resting on the K is a C.  The sea of letters on the floor was merely put to obey the proposal's criteria but also represent the great conglomerate abundance of fonts and letters that exist in our world; unmoved by the blood spilled upon them. 

Some observations which I soon discovered upon completion:
-If one notices, the word "OK" is spelled out; a bit of irony there considering the fact that the O is being stabbed to death and is bleeding onto the sea of letters.
-The C on top of the K slightly acts as a sort of scythe or sickle, as if it's about to also make a move on the O.  
-O is a vowel, and F is a consonant. It's noticeable that the consonants seem to be inflicting all this "aggression" whilst the vowels are the victims of this scene (notice the U is in the back slightly tilted as if cowering in fear). The reason consonants could be murdering vowels is because a vowel tends to have a rounder, softer sound; and the letter O can also be the letter used to describe a cry of anguish of pain, besides the letter A; hence its bleeding being appropriate. Whereas the consonants take the part of the aggressors since a consonant has a very sharp and forceful sound; as if it's "stabbing" the word, hence the use of the Fs as knives. And hence the title of this piece. 
 EASTER EGG: There's a secret anagram which I sort of wanted to leave mainly for the person who came up with the somewhat "dry" proposal; and I was in a mood at the time. Should be pretty easy to figure out by now. I'll leave you with this important detail so it's easier: The O is actually two Os since I had to cut two to create a layer with which I stuck the knives in (as the K-line material was fairly thin). So include a second O into the anagram.
In the future, I might recreate this in a larger scale and make the objects out of iron or steel. It could look pretty neat in a gallery or on a street.
^nd s0 v0w3ls c0m3 h3r3 t0 d13
Death of Vowels

Death of Vowels

An old project I created during a workshop class back in 2014 which contains heavy symbolism.
